Multiples Adoption

Here is where all the twins, triplets and mores we have up for adoption go.  At the moment we only have one set of twins up for adoption but there are more coming soon.




These cuties are Rachel and Rebeca.  If you would like to adopt them just e-mail us the information on the main adoption page an put Adopt Rachel and Rebeca as your subject.
These cuties are Erin and Ian.  If you would like to adopt them just e-mail us the information on the main adoption page an put Adopt Erin and Ian as your subject.
These cuties are Francis and Fredrick.  If you would like to adopt them just e-mail us the information on the main adoption page an put Adopt Francis and Fredrick as your subject.
These cuties are Jamie and Jasmine.  If you would like to adopt them just e-mail us the information on the main adoption page an put Adopt Jamie and Jasmine as your subject.
These cuties are Jennifer and Jessica.  If you would like to adopt them just e-mail us the information on the main adoption page an put Adopt Jennifer and Jessica as your subject.
These cuties are Mathew and Michael.  If you would like to adopt them just e-mail us the information on the main adoption page an put Adopt Mathew and Michael as your subject.
These cuties are Jake and Jack.  If you would like to adopt them just e-mail us the information on the main adoption page an put Adopt Jake and Jack as your subject.
These cuties are Maggie and Molly.  If you would like to adopt them just e-mail us the information on the main adoption page an put Adopt Maggy and Molly as your subject.
These cuties are Ashton and Eric.  If you would like to adopt them just e-mail us the information on the main adoption page an put Adopt Ashton and EricS as your subject.